Heart Bouquet #1, Size: 5.78 x 7.02, Stitches: 20821 Heart and Bird Corner, Size: 5.81 x 5.92, Stitches: 15030 Heart Bouquet #2, Size: 3.54 x 7.00, Stitches: 14809 Heart Bouquet #3, Size: 5.80 x 7.06, Stitches: 24362 Heart and Flower, Size: 4.24 x 4.51, Stitches: 9260 Heart Bouquet #4, Size: 5.85 x 6.04, Stitches: 22012 Peacock, Size: 8.09 x 4.76, Stitches: 15719 Hearts Border, Size: 7.92 x 2.37,  Stitches: 5693 Hearts Corner,  Size: 6.81 x 5.84,  Stitches: 5533 Flower #1, Size: 2.05 x 2.99, Stitches: 3595 Flower #2, Size: 2.15 x 3.05, Stitches: 3747 Flower #3, Size: 2.08 x 2.91, Stitches: 3657 Flower #4, Size: 1.19 x 2.46, Stitches: 1445 Flower #5,  Size: 2.99 x 2.26,  Stitches: 3777 Flower #6,  Size: 2.30 x 2.55, Stitches: 3048 Hearts and Birds, Size: 744 x 5.60, Stitches: 22171
Heart Bouquet #1, Size: 5.78 x 7.02, Stitches: 20821